Free foundations for beginners – NOT ON TIMETABLE

A one off free intro session for adult beginners or people with limited exp. Message to book one of each!

KICKBOXING – Monday or Wednesday 5pm

BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU (NOGI) – Tuesday or Thursday 5pm

Please note that these are the only free sessions for adults (16+). All other training sessions must be paid for via membership or day pass.


Our junior classes have the relevant age group denoted on the timetable in brackets. The Saturday morning 3-5s and 6-8s MMA classes are suitable for beginners, and consist of basic striking and grappling techniques along with games and a very small amount of controlled competition.

The 9-14s group consists of Separate BJJ, Kickboxing and MMA classes. Tuesday Kickboxing and Thursday and Saturday BJJ classes are suitable for beginners, whereas Weds MMA is only recommended for a student who is already doing both kickboxing and BJJ with a few months’ experience. Monday Advanced BJJ is only recommended for students with more than a year’s BJJ experience and with competitive aspirations. Junior BJJ classes require the Gi, which can be rented for £5 per session if a student doesn’t have their own. We also sell these at the gym.

The first kickboxing and first BJJ class for juniors are both free.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

BJJ class is split into Gi and NOGI. Gi class requires a Gi to train which can be rented for £5 a session if one isn’t owned. We also sell them at the gym. All Timetabled adult BJJ sessions are suitable for beginners, although the Saturday Beginner Nogi session is particularly recommended as it keeps to a very basic syllabus of topics a beginner is recommended to get familiar with ASAP. There is usually at least half an hours rolling after every BJJ class, with Tuesday having a much longer open mat for rolling after class, which can be up to 2 hours.


All weekday kickboxing classes are suitable for beginners, although we recommend beginners avoid hard sparring for their first few months. As well as timetabled kickboxing sparring on Thursday after the class, there are also opportunities to spar after the Monday and Friday classes and at the Saturday kickboxing/MMA comp prep class.


For all weekday MMA sessions some kickboxing and BJJ experience is recommended. Monday is light sparring focus, Wednesday is wrestling/takedown focus, Friday is cagework focus.

If you are a beginner interested in MMA, please read this.

Saturday Kickboxing/MMA Comp Prep

A split MMA/Kickboxing class with focus on competitors. Not recommended for beginners. Begins with a short run so bring running shoes. Ends with Kickboxing and MMA sparring.

Open Mat

An open session with no formal class, members are simply welcome to turn up and roll, spar, socialise, strategist and whatever else they feel like doing! A great low pressure opportunity to stress test some of the material you may have learnt earlier in the week, and seek advice from other members or coaches who are present!


Generic athletic clothing, such as a t shirt and shorts and/or tights are suitable attire for beginners, preferably nothing too baggy. We recommend eventually getting a rashguard with pocketless grappling/MMA shorts. A long sleeve rashguard and full length spats/tights under shorts are preferable to minimise skin contact during training for better hygiene.