“Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless and add what is specifically your own.” 

The name kick­box­ing tells you almost exact­ly what to expect before you even step on the mats for the first time and needs lit­tle expla­na­tion. You’ll find that the fun­da­men­tals are easy to pick up and not shroud­ed in unnec­es­sary mys­ti­cism. Like the name, our approach is equal­ly straight­for­ward. No-mat­ter your goals or fit­ness lev­el, we want you to be able to have fun, get in a great work­out, and take away tech­niques that you can make your own while smash­ing the pads, drilling, or spar­ring. The aim is to boil off super­flu­ous cer­e­mo­ny, and laser focus the strik­ing arts into some­thing lean and func­tion­al at the high­est lev­els of com­pe­ti­tion; but also, to help each oth­er along the way no mat­ter who we are.

While you may be sur­prised how quick­ly you’re able to devel­op your fun­da­men­tal skills, this soon gives way to a sur­pris­ing depth of ever-shift­ing new puz­zles, with end­less vis­tas of over­lap­ping com­plex­i­ty and strat­e­gy. You’ll notice your own per­son­al­i­ty starts to seep into your style, and even things you pre­vi­ous­ly con­sid­ered weak­ness­es can become assets. What pre­vi­ous­ly was timid­i­ty becomes the eva­sive­ness and patience of a skilled counter strik­er. Pri­or rash­ness is reformed into a relent­less pres­sure style.

Kick­box­ing places games in front of you, so that you’ll always be engaged. Things that may have seemed like prob­lems to over­come when you began — weight loss, self-defence con­cerns, strength and con­di­tion­ing, com­pe­ti­tion anx­i­ety etc, seem­ing­ly solve them­selves nat­u­ral­ly as part of the process, with­out as much con­scious atten­tion. They are replaced by the puz­zles that each new drill or oppo­nent throws at you. It’s great to have per­son­al goals, whether they be in the con­text of high-lev­el com­pe­ti­tion or sim­ple self-improve­ment. How­ev­er, chan­nelling these goals into some­thing you enjoy turns their attain­ment from a chore into a passion.

To book a FREE taster class, mes­sage us, or sim­ply fill out your name, email and we’ll get in touch!