First time ever doing any­thing like that apart from box­ing and I loved it. The lads were so wel­com­ing and full of knowl­edge and showed me how to adapt what I know into what they know. Ful­ly rec­om­mend the place and will be back there next week.

Tomi Tatham
TOMI TATHAM Light Heavy­weight Pro Boxer

I have been attend­ing class­es at Kaizen for the best part of a year now. It is by far, in my opin­ion the best mar­tial arts acad­e­my I have ever attend­ed. The atmos­phere is friend­ly and wel­com­ing, sport­ing peo­ple with a huge range of dif­fer­ent skill lev­els. How­ev­er, what real­ly stands out to me is their approach to teach­ing; the instruc­tors tend to teach the prin­ci­ples behind the tech­niques, strip­ing away the mys­tery, show­ing you why in addi­tion to how. They aren’t bogged down by the dog­ma­tism or strict hier­ar­chy that I have expe­ri­enced at oth­er schools, mak­ing them more approach­able and almost always will­ing to spar when asked. I believe due to this my pro­gres­sion in bjj has hap­pened at a pace I would not have thought pos­si­ble at anoth­er school. I have recent­ly moved away to Stock­ten, where my white belt bjj train­ing puts me on a par with black belts at the local judo club. It is only now when I’m unable to train at Kaizen that I start to realise the val­ue of the train­ing I received.

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My lit­tle lad loves it here he has been going for cou­ple of weeks now the staff are bril­liant with the chil­dren well worth going if your interested.


I had only been at Kaizen for 4 months but in that short time I’ve learned a vast amount about mar­tial arts and also myself. Like many, I can imag­ine, I was pret­ty ner­vous about start­ing, but Kaizen and its great com­mu­ni­ty have always been sup­port­ive and wel­com­ing, help­ing me to thor­ough­ly enjoy train­ing and gen­er­al­ly gain con­fi­dence in myself. If you’re look­ing for some­where to start train­ing either casu­al­ly or pro­fes­sion­al­ly I can­not rec­om­mend Kaizen enough, a won­der­ful acad­e­my full of won­der­ful peo­ple, I’ll miss it!

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CALLUM WERNYJ Kaizen Mem­ber

My lit­tle boy attend­ed the 2–4’s class today, run by Emma and Joe and absolute­ly loved it! Both coach­es are amaz­ing with the kids and the class was real­ly tod­dler friend­ly. Inc­op­er­at­ing play and deliv­er­ing tech­niques in short bursts to keep the lit­tle ones engaged 🙂 would def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend! Thank you!


After hav­ing pri­vate with Michael once a week for over a year now and with Adam help­ing me in oth­er areas, I have learned an incred­i­ble amount about BJJ.
Kaizen is one of the best atmos­pheres I’ve ever trained in and the instruc­tors are world class.

If you want to learn mar­tial arts or just have a hob­by with­in a bril­liant social cir­cle then Kaizen is for you.

World class.

LEE JONES Kaizen Mem­ber

This gym is run on the prin­ci­ple of inte­grat­ing and shar­ing knowl­edge from all mar­tial arts, with instruc­tors who are as will­ing to lis­ten as to teach. It’s a rare place with a fun atmos­phere that makes it very approach­able, no mat­ter what your start­ing point.

FIONA JENNEY Kaizen Mem­ber

I just moved back to Lan­cast­er after 10 years in Lon­don. I’d just dis­cov­ered kick­box­ing a month before leav­ing Lon­don and was dis­ap­point­ed to leave it behind. So I was pret­ty excit­ed when I found this place in Lan­cast­er and that it was EVEN bet­ter than the place I’d been going in London.

Super friend­ly, beau­ti­ful­ly kit­ted out and with teach­ers who clear­ly know what they’re talk­ing about, I was ner­vous going along for the first time but felt real­ly wel­comed. I can’t wait to make this place part of my reg­u­lar routine.

Thanks, Kaizen, for open­ing such a high qual­i­ty, beau­ti­ful place to come and learn about mar­tial arts 🙂

LEAH COX Kaizen Mem­ber

Excel­lent instruc­tion, very dif­fer­ent from any­thing I’ve expe­ri­enced before. Very friend­ly and con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed. The influ­ences from dif­fer­ent styles are fas­ci­nat­ing plus hav­ing struc­tured les­son plans real­ly helps you improve. Awesome!

MARK MORGAN Kaizen Mem­ber