Infuse heart, soul, spirit and passion because talent is not enough. — Dominick Cruz

MMA is the log­i­cal con­clu­sion of all com­bat sports. As much as can fea­si­bly be allowed is allowed. If you’ve got a bit of expe­ri­ence strik­ing and grap­pling, and you want to push your­self to the next lev­el that few can reach, this may be the test for you.

Many peo­ple have thought about doing MMA, but far few­er have showed up to train. Even few­er have man­aged to stick at the train­ing, where­by your strik­ing, BJJ, and wrestling must all be simul­ta­ne­ous­ly improved as your phys­i­cal con­di­tion is pushed to its peak. If you ever step into a cage and hear the door slam shut behind you, you can be safe in the knowl­edge that you are in tru­ly rar­efied com­pa­ny, what­ev­er the result of the next few minutes.

For any­one inter­est­ed in MMA train­ing, and per­haps one day com­pet­ing, we’d rec­om­mend the first thing you do is start attend­ing both our kick­box­ing and Brazil­ian Jiu Jit­su class­es to build up some fun­da­men­tal expe­ri­ence in both of these arts. Our begin­ner MMA class will also intro­duce you to some more spe­cif­ic MMA skills such as wall­work and mix­ing take­downs with strikes, with­out requir­ing too much pri­or knowl­edge. If you’re start­ing out, devel­op a love of each mar­tial art before merg­ing them on your can­vas into your own unique MMA style.

It’s a long road just to com­pe­ti­tion, let alone suc­cess, but if you put in the time, then you can look for­ward to incom­pa­ra­ble highs that few will ever reach.

We will also be plan­ning events with our sis­ter gym Scram­ble Acad­e­my Leeds!

To book a FREE taster class, mes­sage us, or sim­ply fill out your name, email and we’ll get in touch!