Kids classes 3-5, 5-8 and 9+

"Martial Arts will improve the discipline and confidence of your child"

You’ve probably read that a thousand times, maybe even seen the several studies that give strong evidence for it. At this point it’s just accepted wisdom when talking about martial arts for children.


We don’t want to knock that view too hard, but in truth we believe the benefits of martial arts for children are something far more valuable and intangible than a simple “stat boost” in their discipline and confidence. It shouldn’t be like you’re merely levelling up a video game character. 

You’ve probably read that a thousand times, maybe even seen the several studies that give strong evidence for it. At this point it’s just accepted wisdom when talking about martial arts for children.


We don’t want to knock that view too hard, but in truth we believe the benefits of martial arts for children are something far more valuable and intangible than a simple “stat boost” in their discipline and confidence. It shouldn’t be like you’re merely levelling up a video game character. 

Don’t get us wrong, increased confidence and discipline are absolutely valid and true benefits. However, they are merely an easily-packaged-and-sold, simple-to-explain fraction of a child’s true experience. It’s not simply about building skill, discipline and confidence, but HOW you do it, and what memories the process creates: The nerves and thrill of their first competition, the glee of getting a move they’ve been working on to finally work, the camaraderie and friendship formed amongst team mates along the way, or maybe simply building up the confidence to join in with class for the first time ever.

Don’t get us wrong, increased confidence and discipline are absolutely valid and true benefits. However, they are merely an easily-packaged-and-sold, simple-to-explain fraction of a child’s true experience. It’s not simply about building skill, discipline and confidence, but HOW you do it, and what memories the process creates: The nerves and thrill of their first competition, the glee of getting a move they’ve been working on to finally work, the camaraderie and friendship formed amongst team mates along the way, or maybe simply building up the confidence to join in with class for the first time ever.

These are the things that we really get excited about at Kaizen, not simply skills and discipline, but the range of experiences that we seek to provide, no matter whether a child wants to one day be a world beating MMA champion, gain a confidence boost in the face of adversity, or just have a fun and healthy hobby!

Our coaches are all successful athletes in MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing. We understand the grind and drive that success in these fields requires at the competitive level. However, we also understand that everyone’s journey is different, and that having an environment where everyone can be comfortable and thrive will be a much more fertile ground for passion and success in martial arts (and life) than putting everyone through the same ringer, falsely assuming the same starting point and goals.


We will also be planning events with our sister gym Scramble Academy Leeds!

These are the things that we really get excited about at Kaizen, not simply skills and discipline, but the range of experiences that we seek to provide, no matter whether a child wants to one day be a world beating MMA champion, gain a confidence boost in the face of adversity, or just have a fun and healthy hobby!

Our coaches are all successful athletes in MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing. We understand the grind and drive that success in these fields requires at the competitive level. However, we also understand that everyone’s journey is different, and that having an environment where everyone can be comfortable and thrive will be a much more fertile ground for passion and success in martial arts (and life) than putting everyone through the same ringer, falsely assuming the same starting point and goals.


We will also be planning events with our sister gym Scramble Academy Leeds!

To book a free trial, simply leave us a message here and we will get back to you!