You’ve probably read that a thousand times, maybe even seen the several studies that give strong evidence for it. At this point it’s just accepted wisdom when talking about martial arts for children.
We don’t want to knock that view too hard, but in truth we believe the benefits of martial arts for children are something far more valuable and intangible than a simple “stat boost” in their discipline and confidence. It shouldn’t be like you’re merely levelling up a video game character.
The name kickboxing tells you almost exactly what to expect before you even step on the mats for the first time and needs little explanation. You’ll find that the fundamentals are easy to pick up and not shrouded in unnecessary mysticism. Like the name, our approach is equally straightforward. No-matter your goals or fitness level, we want you to be able to have fun, get in a great workout, and take away techniques that you can make your own while smashing the pads, drilling, or sparring. The aim is to boil off superfluous ceremony, and laser focus the striking arts into something lean and functional at the highest levels of competition; but also, to help each other along the way no matter who we are.
While you may be surprised how quickly you’re able to develop your fundamental skills, this soon gives way to a surprising depth of ever-shifting new puzzles, with endless vistas of overlapping complexity and strategy. You’ll notice your own personality starts to seep into your style, and even things you previously considered weaknesses can become assets. What previously was timidity becomes the evasiveness and patience of a skilled counter striker. Prior rashness is reformed into a relentless pressure style.
While you may be surprised how quickly you’re able to develop your fundamental skills, this soon gives way to a surprising depth of ever-shifting new puzzles, with endless vistas of overlapping complexity and strategy. You’ll notice your own personality starts to seep into your style, and even things you previously considered weaknesses can become assets. What previously was timidity becomes the evasiveness and patience of a skilled counter striker. Prior rashness is reformed into a relentless pressure style.
Kickboxing places games in front of you, so that you’ll always be engaged. Things that may have seemed like problems to overcome when you began – weight loss, self-defence concerns, strength and conditioning, competition anxiety etc, seemingly solve themselves naturally as part of the process, without as much conscious attention. They are replaced by the puzzles that each new drill or opponent throws at you. It’s great to have personal goals, whether they be in the context of high-level competition or simple self-improvement. However, channelling these goals into something you enjoy turns their attainment from a chore into a passion.
We will also be planning events with our sister gym Scramble Academy Leeds!
Kickboxing places games in front of you, so that you’ll always be engaged. Things that may have seemed like problems to overcome when you began – weight loss, self-defence concerns, strength and conditioning, competition anxiety etc, seemingly solve themselves naturally as part of the process, without as much conscious attention. They are replaced by the puzzles that each new drill or opponent throws at you. It’s great to have personal goals, whether they be in the context of high-level competition or simple self-improvement. However, channelling these goals into something you enjoy turns their attainment from a chore into a passion.
We will also be planning events with our sister gym Scramble Academy Leeds!
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