“The ground is my ocean, I’m the shark, and most people don’t even know how to swim” – Carlos Machado, 8th Degree Coral Belt 

Brazil­ian Jiu Jit­su (BJJ) has explod­ed in pop­u­lar­i­ty over the past 20 years, in large part due to the pro­lif­er­a­tion of the sport of MMA and the suc­cess of the UFC, in which BJJ has become an essen­tial part of any fighter’s game. An evo­lu­tion of Judo, BJJ dif­fers from pre­vi­ous grap­pling mar­tial arts in its exten­sive explo­ration of ground fight­ing, in which sweeps and pins are used to con­trol an oppo­nent, with chokes and joint­locks being avail­able to end the fight or force a “tapout”. Prac­ticed either in a tra­di­tion­al “Gi” or in com­pres­sion gear (“nogi”), BJJ isn’t just a mar­tial art, but a rapid­ly grow­ing world­wide community.

Though it may appear like an impen­e­tra­ble morass of tan­gled limbs at a glance, BJJ is a puz­zle box with end­less depth and per­mu­ta­tions for those with the regard to dig deep­er. Some­times it’s a fre­net­ic scram­ble, some­times a grind­ing war of attri­tion, some­times a calm posi­tion­al exchange. With so many ways to play, and count­less sub­mis­sions and guards to mas­ter, it quick­ly becomes clear why its prac­ti­tion­ers seem so addict­ed and fanat­i­cal. You don’t need to learn a lot before you realise how much else there is to learn. Your first brush with an expe­ri­enced prac­ti­tion­er may make you feel as if they’re using for­bid­den mag­ic on you. If you have any curios­i­ty what­so­ev­er, the Zen­like calm and pre­ci­sion of some­one who is able to tie you in knots while lying on their back with­out break­ing a sweat, is some­thing you’ll be chas­ing for years to come.

On top of the fun of try­ing to mas­ter some­thing so inter­est­ing and var­ied, BJJ will also give you a new lev­el of con­fi­dence in your abil­i­ty to fight and defend your­self. Most peo­ple instinc­tive­ly know how to strike, but very few peo­ple know even the first thing about how to grap­ple. With­out rules explic­it­ly lim­it­ing it, almost all fights will involve clinch­ing or going to the ground. Know­ing just a fun­da­men­tal amount of grap­pling against some­one who knows none, will give you an absolute­ly unfair advantage.

As part of such an explod­ing scene, you’ll soon realise that you’ll nev­er be short of online resources to draw from, com­pe­ti­tions to test your­self at, and future friends and train­ing part­ners to meet.

Come join the community.

Kaizen Acad­e­my is Official

Kaizen Acad­e­my is a cer­ti­fied IBJJF Acad­e­my under the head black belt instruc­tor Michael Wood. Now is your chance to join in on the most reward­ing jour­ney in mar­tial arts. The road to a Brazil­ian Jiu Jit­su Black-Belt! 


To book a FREE taster class, mes­sage us, or sim­ply fill out your name, email and we’ll get in touch!